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Create & Mount Disk

Create VHD

Use any hypervisor to create a virtual hard disk, then attach to virtual\ machine via SCSI Controller.

Create disk partition

Refer to List OS Disks.

  1. Partition disk

fdisk /dev/sdb

p to list available partitions

n create new partition

e set as extended partition

# set number of partitions (1)

sector set default values for start and end sectors

t set system type (83 Linux)

  1. Write changes from memory

w write partition table

mkfs -t ext2 /dev/sdb write file system

fsck /dev/sdb -f -y check partition

Restart system to commit changes.

  1. Mount disk
  • Create directory to map disk to

mkdir /mnt/<dirname>

  • Mount disk to directory

mount -t ext2 /dev/sdb /mnt/<dirname>